
Natural Origin - A general class is spore formed on a structure known as a basidium. This category is commonly found in outdoor air samples, They are considered a wet weather spore. They are plentiful during light rainfall. In mushrooms and bracket fungi, the releases of spores require high humidity and so are most abundant in the pre-dawn hours. Spores can be transported short distances in light rain. These spores come from mushrooms, toad stools, puffballs, and bracket fungi. In puffballs, spores are released as rain drops strike them, with strong gusts of wind, or when small animals hit them. They are found in lawns, fields, parks and wooded areas from spring through fall with in a few days after rainfall.

Indoor Origin - Some species are associated with dry rot in wood. Elevated airborne concentrations indoors might be indicative of water damage or too high of humidity.

Pathoginicity - No known infections have been reported in humans at this time.

Diseases - There are no known diseases associated with this spore at this time

Allergen - Many species are reported to be allergenic and high levels of these spores inside can contribute to allergy.

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